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Chatting with Doug!

April 7th, 2018: Honoka Kikukawa, Junior Peace and Music Ambassador 2015

Doug: As a Harmony for Peace Junior Peace & Music Ambassador, what did you feel was your primary mission?


Honoka: I want to empower people across many generations through music. What I hope is that my music transcends bringing the maximum power to the people to smile, to make them feel stronger and also to comfort them. People who receive that power from me will give then that power or energy to someone else.I want to be that person who can create a circle of empowerment through my music.


In today’s world where there are so many conflicts between countries, where there are terror acts, and threats, I am still thinking and wondering what I can do, to be an effective power to heal.As a Harmony For Peace Jr. Ambassador, I am constantly thinking about it. When there is an opportunity that there is something I can do, I must take an action.


Doug: You'll be a featured performer this year at the Harmony for Peace concert in St. Louis.  What do you love about performing?


Honoka: It is really marvelous that there is a moment, the only moment that exists to share. This is when people come to listen to my music, and where my music can be heard.That is a meeting of people and that particular moment is only there once. There is an exhilarating moment on the stage performing when I can share a moment of happiness and joy with the audience, although such moments were through good chemistry and tense moments with fellow performers. And then finally, when one finishes playing along with the sounds of the audience applause and over an air of togetherness, one feels and shares the unity of music.


Doug: This year, Harmony for Peace feels it's more important than even to reach out to youth and young adults, especially with the recent school violence incidents.  What role do you think music can play in that process?


Honoka: I strongly believe that music has the power to bring people together, people who may have gone different ways, because of language, ethnicity, and backgrounds. So, everyone whatever their age, wherever you live, despite any differences, music can be shared. To play music together, sing a song together, these are the moments that bring a smile to people. That is how music should be used.


Doug: Harmony for Peace Foundation has staged concerts at legendary venues around the world.  It was an honor for me just to Emcee events at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center.  Which is your favorite HFP concert venue, and what is it like as a performer to be there? 


Honoka: Every concert hall where I have performed has impressed me with history and grandeur. Particularly, Carnegie Hall is a musician’s dream to perform at.It gave me the feeling of an incredible aura that all the great virtuosos used the dressing rooms, walked the hall ways, stood in the back stage and that in itself gave me inexplicable joy. But I cannot decide which one is my favorite. I felt each concert hall gave me the feeling of ease and acceptance and that was due to the wonderful audience who were there.It was an impressive atmosphere that was created by Harmony For Peace. Each and every place impressed me with utmost excellence as a concert hall.


Doug: Aside from the violin, what are your favorite hobbies?


Honoka: These days, I have found photo-taking a lot of fun.  Beautiful scenery, tasty food, smiles of the people I love, they are all subjects that I love taking a photo. Also, I love reading books since an early age and now I love listening to all genres of music.

Doug: Your beautiful, thoughtful approach to the mission of Harmony for Peace Junior Peace and Music Ambassador makes us all proud!

And it doesn't stop there. Congratulations on your graduation from high school, and your acceptance to the prestigious Art University in Japan!

Also, thank you, Honoka for your beautiful photos. We can't wait to see more of your photos and are excited to see you in the US for our St. Louis Peace Concert!

Best of luck and continued success!

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