Harmony For Peace and UPS Send Disaster Relief to Devastated Philippines

The Harmony For Peace and UPS teams pose with Philippines Consul General Mario De Leone in front of a UPS truck after sending $1.5 Million for Typhoon Yolanda Disaster Relief.
On November 8, 2013, the Typhoon Haiyan (also known as Typhoon Yolanda) devastated the Philippines.
Among the many missing people and casualties, survivors of the typhoon remained, yet their suffering was not over. In dire need of necessities like food, clean water and medical supplies, they needed immediate relief before it was too late.
On November 25, 2013, in collaboration with ABS-CBN TV Network and its Foundation along with the Filipino communities here in the United States, Harmony For Peace Foundation successfully obtained free shipment assisted and donated by UPS to send $1.5 Million worth of emergency medical supplies to the Philippines. Medical supplies were donated by Catholic Medical Mission Board, and over 25 pallets of supplies left New York.