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Harmony For Peace Delivers Gifts For Tohoku

Tomoko Torii of Harmony For Peace Foundation and Mr. Tetsuo Sakai of Perfectual Museum of Art

On October 2, 2011, Tomoko Torii,President and Executive Director of the Harmony For Peace Foundation visits the Fukushima Prefectural Museum of Art in Fukushima, Japan.


Ms. Torii safely delivered the fund the foundation raised through its effort and with the help of all the people participated at their recent benefit events for the Tohoku, Japan. The initial amount of $2000 was handed to Mr. Tetsuo Sakai, Former Director of the Fukushima Prefectural Museum of Art.





The funds will be used for the Museum's special art education project aiming to provide interesting and fun activities for children. The project has been suspended since the disaster and is now planning to re-start, aiming to provide comfort and care to the children who have experienced the disaster.


Harmony For Peace Foundation also donated a grand piano and an upright piano to Ayahime Hall, Sanriku-Cho, Ofunato City. It is a multi-purpose hall catered to the local residents to be used for musical, theatrical and other types of programs.  It was also used as a shelter for the people of Iwate post-Tohoku Disaster since March of this year.

Photo: Courtesy of Kenichi Ogoshi
Harmony For Peace Executive Director hands Mr. Tetsuo Saki the funds raised from benefit events.

A similar project, the Stanislav Bunin Charity Gala Concert, was dedicated to the Children of 3.11 was held on July 26th, 2011 at Suntory Hall, Tokyo Japan. Harmony For Peace Foundation had a pleasure in supporting the event. The concert brought in over 2 million yen, and 2.1 Million Yen was then donated to Ashinaga Ikueikai in Japan to be used for the children and young people who lost their parent(s) during the disaster of this March.


The Ashinaga Ikueikai has a few projects, aimed specifically at the Tohoku disaster, including building a care center for the children from the disaster.


Vistit here for more about the organization.

Stanislav Bunin Charity Gala Concert, July 26, 2011 at Suntory Hall
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